Canned Food Drive

This week, the CWPSA family collected 3249 cans of food to be distributed through local food pantries.  In recognition of this awesome outpouring of love for others, all CWPSA students may enjoy a relaxed out-of-uniform day on Tuesday, November 22nd.




Canned Food Drive IconA special congratulations is extended to our 2nd grade class for collecting the most cans in the school – an average of 56 per student!  Mrs. Begg’s class has earned a dress up out-of-uniform day on Wednesday, November 23rd for Friendship Soup and Salad – no jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, or tennis shoes please.

Friday is the last day to donate canned foods for local families in need.




BTHCCD families should place their cans in the boxes on the stage in the atrium.

CWPSA children should place their cans in the boxes provided in each classroom.